Sunday, 16 December 2012

YouTube hates *Interlaced* WMVs

UPDATE: Turns out YouTube just hates interlaced video. Unfortunately Pinnacle can't render videos in 1080p (it instead renders in 1080i), so I'll be uploading videos in 720p from now on until YouTube is no longer an idiot. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I uploaded my vlog at around 9 PM today. YouTube still has not processed the video. This has been occurring to all my videos, including my recent THERE I PLAYED IT series. You most likely will see the vlog tomorrow morning or sumfin. Apologies for YouTube's monkeys being stupid monkeys.


Monday, 3 December 2012

Late Vlog

I think I hit Youtube maintenance, so my vlog will be up later than expected


Sunday, 2 December 2012

New Channel

So in case you missed the memo, I've moved!
Well not really, but whatever lol.

I have a new personal YouTube channel and I'm actually going to try to upload stuff to it more than once in a blue moon when we make Ashley Agents movies.

It's MissBrekel at
You should like subscribe and stuff, because that would be pretty cool.

Also, I'm doing an advent calendar, which is pretty sweet.

Monday, 5 November 2012

None from me either...

Hey guys,

I wasn't feeling that creative spark that is absent from my vlogs anyways yesterday. So here's a picture of me and two other Jokers from Comicon! (I'm the one on the right)

- Chris

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sorry guysssss

Nothing from me today, sorry, I've got a midterm tomorrow that I have not studied nearly enough for, so that's what I'll be doing instead of a vlog tonight. If I can, Ill try to get a vlog done a little later in the week.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

*cough cough* Im sick

But seriously guys, no booing me for this, not making a vlog tonight. My throat has been screaming at me, therefore I'm just going to take meds and hope my voice is less bad when at school tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Mike is vlogging now

Hey Pegvloggers,
So Mike (some of you may know him) has recently started to make vlogs as well!
Yay for vlogging!

Because he doesn't know half of us it doesn't make sense for him to upload on pegvlog, but he has created his own channel, so give his channel a look and subscribe. I'm sure you all remember what it was like to start off vlogging

Saturday, 20 October 2012

No vlog this week

Pretty much I haven't been proud of my latest vlogs so I'm going to try some scripted vlogs in the future. So yeah I need to write those. Hopefully a vlog next week? We'll see.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Schweet Sundays coming to you today!

Long story short, I couldn't use my regular vlogging location until quite late at night, and at that point doing voices would be disruptive to my family's sleep. So I shall be filming and uploading today!


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Sunday, 16 September 2012

In Response to Peter's Vlog

So in Peter's most recent vlog, he mentioned that "keeping in touch" vlogs aren't interesting and that vlogging during the summer was pointless. He also suggested that maybe we should re-purpose PegVlog.

I have a bit to say on the subject, so I thought I'd make a blog post where everyone can see it.

So, when we started this project, it was with the purpose of staying in touch with each other.  I would argue, and Eric commented this as well, that staying in touch doesn't necessarily mean telling people what you did this week, etc, because yeah, sometimes describing your commute and non-descript shift at work aren't super interesting vlog material.  However, staying in touch here can also mean keeping each other present in our lives; by seeing each other next week we keep our friendships going, way stronger than if we didn't. At least, that's how I feel. And a friendship isn't made special by saying to each other "Oh hey, so I ate an ice cream cone today..." Sure, you might say those things too, and they can spark more involved conversation. But you also talk about that kind of stuff with the random people in your classes or coworkers you aren't particularly close to. What makes a friendship special are fun times you share with each other and having conversations that are important.  And, there have been vlogs previously that aren't "what I've been up to" videos that were awesome, like Eric's When I'm Ragnar video - I laughed really hard, and I think that is just as valuable as a more serious vlog, such as Ashley B's Project For Awesome video.

So, rather than "re-purposing" PegVlog, maybe we just need to rethink what making a vlog and staying in touch means: if you have lots of crazy stuff going on in your life, awesome, let us know about that. If not, talk about something that interests you, or that you've been thinking about lately, or rant about something, or something silly that you think would entertain us. Just talk to me. Talk to all of us. Have fun with us. It's just friendship through a different medium.

As for summer vlogs, well, we said in our meeting thing that we weren't going to be "strict" during summer, since we were all in the same city, after all. And if people wanted to vlog, cool, and if not, it's all good. And I guess next summer if we want to do something different then we can deal with it then :P

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Thrilling Thursdays still MIA

Although I AM back from my trip, things are crazy right now and due to technical difficulties, lack of sleep and a very busy schedual, my vlog will be coming to you a few days late.

See you soon and stay lovely :)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Hey guys, I'm going to make a blog for my Tuesday issue today :) check out my blog guys!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


well, you can guess what this is about...need i say more? i'll try for next you guys.

Friday, 3 August 2012

I'm gone

I'm off to Halifax tomorrow so you won't hear from me for 3 weeks.
However I'll have my camera with me so you'll get footage from the East Coast when I get home.

See you in three weeks!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


hey guys, i got called into work early and my video stuff isn't working. so i will try to make a vlog when i come back home (11 pm).

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Thrilling Thursdays

No vlog today guys as I am heading out of town.

I will upload a vlog next week and then will have another travel absence for 3 weeks but will return just before September and before regular vlogging resumes.

Have a good week everyone :) Here's a picture of me with the wig to cheer you up

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Hey guys,

I'm having some issues with my vlog when it comes to uploading it...I'm going to still try, but I want to let you guys know that it just might not be today. Sorry my dears :(

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Will Try Again Tomorrow

I made my vlog and started uploading at like, 3:00 or something but the server keeps rejecting the server and I'm flipping tired so I'll try again tomorrow. Kthxbai.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

just because.

hey guys. i love you all. i just thought i should tell you. <3

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Hey Guys!

I'm going to ask you all a question. Do you remember what it was like in the summer back in elementary school? Or even junior high? Hell, any summer where you didn't have to work. Do you remember not having to remember what day of the week it was? Wasn't it great? Well I do, and it was great! And to commemorate not giving a $#!% what day of the week it was, I'm posting my vlogs under a new name: Who Gives A $#!% What Day It Is! (WGA$WDII) My posting rules shall be as follows: one vlog per week, any day between Monday and Sunday. I'll stay away from Tuesday, because it's already doubled up. My regular Sunday upload will begin again when go back to University.


Monday, 25 June 2012

Kaitlin's brain is officially in summer mode

Hey guys... So I kinda forgot to do a vlog today, honestly I forgot it was Sunday and now it's too late for me to be on time, so to make up for it I'll post my morph suit dance on my channel some time this week. I blame that it's summer and crazy and I always forget the days in the summer :P not an excuse, just an observation...okay maybe a bit of an excuse

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

No vlog today

I shot one on monday but haven't had time to edit it due to working. Maybe up later this week, otherwise see you next wednesday.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Vlog pushed to tomorrow

Hey dudes, I'm doing my vlog tomorrow because something totally awesome is happening then, and nothing interesting is happening tonight. see ya then!

Monday, 4 June 2012

No vlog tonight

Hey guys,

I will not be able to post my vlog tonight, as editing it is going to take a considerable amount of time. Plus I have to wake up at 5:45 tomorrow morning... I'll try to have it up by tomorrow!


Sunday, 3 June 2012

won't be able to vlog :o

Hey dudes and dudettes,

So I'm heading out to Victoria this coming Sunday, so you will not be getting a vlog from me this coming tuesday :) just a heads up!

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Hey guyssssss

Apparently youtube, pegvlog, and my computer have a bit of a strained relationship right now, so as you know I didn't post a vlog this week...


I posted this weeks vlog on my channel because...well...why not?

Here's the link and stuff, hope it actually works

Kaitlin :D

Monday, 21 May 2012

It's a Test!

Let's see who's actually checking regularly! :P

Post a comment if you read this.


Thursday, 29 March 2012

How to Vlog in 3 Minutes

I actually found this video very helpful, so for those of you who have issues with vlogging.
Alex Day:

This one is also helpful, I may have told you guys about it before, but it's still good.
Hank Green:

Hopefully this helps people. Enjoy. :)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

KONY 2012

Edit. Kony 2012, the campaign by Invisible Children posted a video a few days ago and it went viral. Here's the original video:

As a reaction, this tumblr post was created in an attempt to educate people further about the situation in Uganda and regarding Joseph Kony and the Invisible Children organization:

So yes, just by watching the video you can tell there are some serious issues with bias and propaganda, but I still say that the campaign has raised awareness. Maybe not full awareness from the video, but many people are looking into the issue past the KONY video, and awareness is a good thing.

KONY 2012

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Alice Takes the "V" Out of Vlog

Hey you guys, if you didn't know already, I started up a blog:

The reason for this is my lack of camera skill. Or something. I'll actually make a video about it sometime (how ironic), but for now, here's a shorter, more well-planned out version of my rants!

Monday, 27 February 2012

no vlogs

Being swamped in the next few weeks with work I really need to focus on. There will not be any vlogs from me until further notice. :(

Thursday, 5 January 2012

PegVlog Music

Hey so, this is just an idea, but I know that some of us like to make intros and outros for our vlogs, and I'm not saying they all need to be identical, but a thought I had is to make the music the same. I know we're not supposed to use copyrighted stuff, so the music I use in my videos are a couple of tracks I made from Garage Band. If anybody wants the mp3 file for the music I use in my videos just send me an email and I can get it to you :)

That being said, if peeps want to continue with the stuff they've been using, I am a-okay with that too.